
If you have any questions, please contact Conference Secretary using contact form.


How to register for participation in ICRP2022

Step1-1: Please click “Sign up” and create your Account.

You can use your account which created in 2020, continuously. In this case, proceed to Step 2.

Step1-2: Fill in the necessary items and submit.

Step1-3: You will receive an e-mail confirmation from the Conference Secretary to create your account later. Please login using the link in the e-mail.

Step 2-1: On the “My account” (Only available site user) page, you can register for participation and arrange your accommodation. Please start from “Ticket” (Only available site user) in the “Member menu”, proceed following the requests, and submit.

Step2-2: You will receive an invoice e-mail from the Conference Secretary later. Please send your payment for registration according to your Invoice. On the other hand, your payment for accommodation will be required later, in June at the hotel.

Step 3-1: On the “My account” (Only available site user) page, you can prepare your abstract, including application for oral presentation. Please start from “Presentation” (Only available site user) in the “Member menu”, input your presentation title (possibly tentative), and submit.

Step 3-2: You will see the presentation title in “contents” on the “My account” page. Please use the “Edit” button in Operations link and complete your abstract (up to 300 words). You can modify your abstract before the deadline (September 15).


 Registration fees




Early bird

(deadline: July 31)

50,000 JPY


Regular price






Registration fee includes Conference Kit, Reception (Oct. 30), meals (three lunches, and tea breaks) and Excursion.

The Organizing Committee is still making efforts on obtaining support funds/grants for hosting ICRP2022. If sufficient supports are obtained, a part of the registration fee may be refunded.


Please apply for PostDoc/Student support program (20,000 JPY) from the “My account” page, the deadline is August 31. Please submit a pdf file, containing the reason (up to 100 words) and publication list.

Chairs and Invited Speakers are invited to the Banquet. In addition, reduction of registration fee for Chairs and Invited Speakers will be applied upon proceeding to the “Ticket” site in the “My account” page.

Regarding Accompanying person(s) arrangements, please inquire with Conference Secretary (icrp2020 (at)


Accommodation fees (per person, per night, with breakfast)



Twin + Extra

(3 persons/room)

13,000 JPY

9,000 JPY

 8,500 JPY

Please book your accommodation from the “Ticket” site in the “My account” page. You need to pay at the hotel, where you can use your credit card.


Submit abstract

Please prepare your abstract in the “My account” page. Abstract is up to 300 words, and you can modify your abstract before the deadline (September 15).

You can apply for oral presentation (15 min including discussion) based on your poster presentation. In such case, please complete your abstract by July 31. You are also requested to submit your recent papers (one or two papers with pdf format).


Important Deadlines

We will let you know once it has been decided.

Registration, Early bird

July 31, 24:00 (JST), 2022 


August 31, 2022

Abstract Submission

September 15, 2022

 to apply for oral presentation at ICRP2022

July 31, 2022